bulldog sunrise

March 19, 2025

At the Board of Education Meeting on March 17th, the Board accepted the resignation of Board Member Tim Wilson, who was required to resign due to having moved out of the school district.  Mr. Wilson began his Board tenure in 2022, and was actively involved as a member of the Facilities Committee, where his impact was felt as the District navigated the many construction challenges that came with working through the impact of the pandemic on the construction industry.  The campus that we enjoy today was shaped by the contributions of Mr. Wilson, and the Board of Education is grateful for his service to the District and the Community.

As required by law, the Board of Education must act to fill the vacancy on the Board within 30 days.  The Board will be accepting applications for the vacant position through the end of the day on Friday, April 4th.  Members of the Board will consider all applications submitted, and the Board President will extend offers for interviews to selected candidates, which will occur during a special meeting of the Board on Monday, April 14th.  At the conclusion of interviews, the Board expects to move to select one of the interviewed applicants to fill the remainder of Mr. Wilson’s term, which expires on December 31, 2025.

Interested persons should submit a resume, along with a personal statement of interest, which must include the reasons for seeking the open Board seat, along with applicable qualifications, to feedback@bataviaschools.org by 4pm on Friday, April 4th.  Applications will also be accepted in person at the Board of Education office or by mail at 4 Bulldog Place, Batavia, Ohio 45103.

Questions regarding this position may also be sent to feedback@bataviaschools.org.