



Batavia Schools Preschool for typically developing students is now accepting wait list applications for the 2024-2025 school year.  You may sign your child up for the waiting list by returning the application at the bottom of this page to the Board of Education Office by mail or in person at 4 Bulldog Place, Batavia, OH  45103, or by email at

Waitlist applications for the 2025-2026 school year will be published on March 1st.

Applications will be collected from March 1st to March 14th.

Acceptance letters will be sent via email on March 15th.

Batavia Local School District offers a preschool program for children from ages 3 to 5. Our program integrates children with special needs and typically developing children. Bus transportation is provided for all students.

Typically developing children are accepted into the program based on age, oldest to youngest. Children who will be five years of age after August 1st (which is our cut off for kindergarten) will be admitted first. Four year olds will be accepted next, followed by three year olds. Our program for typically developing students is tuition based with a monthly cost of $220.00 for 4 half days per week. (No class on Mondays.) There is a $50.00 non-refundable registration fee when you enroll your child for the very first time. 

Hours:  AM classes 8:50-11:35
PM classes 12:35-3:20



Sierra Clark





The philosophy of the Batavia Local Schools Preschool Program is based on the belief that all children are competent and resourceful learners. Each child is unique and special, deserving of respect, nurturance, continuity and safety. Young children can make meaning of complex ideas and concepts. The motivation to learn is intrinsic, and children contribute to their own learning.

We believe that young children learn through social interaction, literacy immersion and experience.  The adults arrange the environment to maximize the learning of each child. Adults facilitate the experiences and the learning across all developmental areas, including cognitive, motor, language, social/emotional, and behavioral.  Learning is an interactive process, with children learning through active exploration and interactions with peers, adults, and materials in the environment.

We believe that families are the child’s first teachers and have the right to participate in the education of their children. We believe in establishing relationships and partnerships with families to enhance the learning of each child. We believe in honoring the cultural, linguistic and racial identity of each child.  We believe that all children, those who are typically developing and those with special needs, have gifts to bring to the classroom and to teach each other.

We believe that it is the role of all adults to work together to create a framework and learning opportunities in which children have some control, input and can make choices based on their interests and abilities.  Adults cooperatively working together ensure continuity in program planning and contribute to the balance, sense and security that all children need.  Child-centered activities are provided as well as teacher-directed activities.

2025-2026 Preschool Waitlist Application

2025-2026 Preschool Handbook

2025-2026 Preschool Calendar

2024-2025 Preschool Waitlist Application

2024-2025 Preschool Handbook

Resource Coordinator Family Support Referral

2024-2025 Preschool Calendar

Alternative Preschool Placement List

PS 2025

Information on Head Start Enrollment

Head Start