District Overview
Batavia Local Schools: Dedicated to Excellence
MISSION STATEMENT: To inspire, educate, and prepare our students to achieve excellence and to become productive citizens in a global society.
The Batavia Local School District is a learning community that strives to meet the needs of all learners and prepare them for success in a rapidly changing world.
Beginning this September, we are excited to finally open Bulldog Place, which houses all school buildings and the athletic complex for the district. The journey to our new high school and new middle school has been over seven years in the making, and the opening of the campus completes the Board of Education's master facilities plan, which was created more than a decade ago.
As the Superintendent of the District, I spend a considerable amount of time each day in our buildings, and I could not be prouder of the work we are doing and the focus that is placed on student success.
It's never been a better time to be a Bulldog, and I thank you for the support you provide which makes the Batavia Local School District a great place to be a learner in.
Keith Millard
August 2023